Separate Email Addresses
If you're searching for another job whilst still employed, it may not be wise to use your company’s email to contact potential employers. Get a separate email address from a web based server such as:,, Its free and accessible from any PC, anytime, anywhere. And it’s confidential!
Wrapping Up the Interview
At the end of an interview, it is important to summarize what has been covered to make sure there was nothing forgotten or misunderstood. When the interviewer asks if you have any other questions, don't forget to respond in kind and ask if he or she has any further questions for you. Now go out there and impress them!
Business Cards Rule! Always thank the interviewer for his / her time and ask for a business card. It will ensure that your thank-you letter contains correctly spelled name(s) and proper title(s). It also gives you the necessary information for future correspondence, the person's direct number, and other useful information. If you have a business card handy, be sure to hand the interviewer yours. This way, he / she is more likely to remember you and can contact you right away without having to plow through a stack of resumes.
Focus Yourself!
Now that you're ready for that next big career move, don't just start applying to every job ad you see. In order to ensure that you have a better chance for interviews, focus yourself on the most suitable jobs. Check out your options. Do you have the level of experience, qualification or skills needed for the position? Sending 10 resumes to 10 targeted positions will better your chances of success than zapping out 50 resumes blindly. And remember, always keep track of whom you send your resumes to and the positions applied for so when you DO get a phone call for an interview, you won't fumble trying to remember who it is you're talking to! Now go on out there and hit your targets!
Negotiating Multiple Offers
Always be open and honest with potential employers. The company's recruitment drive is not a cheap process, so don't take their offers lightly. It is unwise to use one company's job offer (which you probably don't want anyway) to give you leverage against another's offer. It my seem like you're holding out for more money or that you're holding one company ransom against what the other is offering. Where you do have competing job offers and a potential employer asks, be honest about your intentions. Consider this the first step in creating a professional relationship with your future employer. Even if you do not accept the company's offer, you can initiate a good relationship with them that you might need for a rainy day!